Principal Investigator
Georgia Institute of Technology
1982 B.S, Chemistry, Long Island University.
1988 Ph.D., Chemistry, SUNY @ Stony Brook.
1988 Postdoctoral, Chemical Physics, Universität Basel Switzerland.
1989 Postdoctoral, Solid State Physics, Sandia National Laboratory.
Surface physics and chemistry
Radiation physics and chemistry
Space weathering and reaction dynamics.
Outstanding Faculty Leadership for Development of Graduate Research Assistants Award, Georgia Tech (2011)
Ralph and Jewel Gretzinger Moving School Forward Award, Georgia Tech (2009)
Elected Fellow of the American Physical Society (2003)
Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, North Atlantic Treaty Organization Co- operative Research Fellowship (1997- 2000)
National Institute of Health Young Investigator Award (1996)
Southampton College Presidential Scholar (1974-1978)
New York State Regents Scholar (1974-1978)
Tri Beta Biological Honor Society (1978)
Dr. Thomas M. Orlando is a Professor in the School of Chemistry and Biochemistry at The Georgia Institute of Technology. He is also an Associate Dean for Energy Research in the College of Sciences and an Adjunct Professor in the School of Physics. Dr. Orlando is the principal investigator for the REVEALS project at Georgia Tech. He is a Professor and Director for The Center for space Technology and Research(C-STAR)
Infrared Attenuated Total Reflection Spectroscopy of Quartz and Silica Micro- and Nanoparticulate Films.
Mueller, Christian Menno; Molinelli, Alexandra; Karlowatz, Manfred; Aleksandrov, Alexandr; Orlando, Thomas; Mizaikoff, Boris JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C. 2012, 116, issue 1, 37-43.
Intermolecular Coulomb Decay at Weakly Coupled Heterogeneous Interfaces.
Grieves, Gregory A.; Orlando, Thomas M. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. 2011, 107, issue 1,
Thermal stability of water and hydroxyl on the surface of the Moon from temperature-programmed desorption measurements of lunar analog materials.
Hibbitts, C. A.; Grieves, G. A.; Poston, M. J.; Dyar, M. D.; Alexandrov, A. B.; Johnson, M. A.; Orlando, T. M. ICARUS. 2011, 213, issue 1, 64-72.
Probing the Interaction of Hydrogen Chloride with Low-Temperature Water Ice Surfaces Using Thermal and Electron-Stimulated Desorption
Olanrewaju, Babajide O.; Herring-Captain, Janine; Grieves, Gregory A.; Aleksandrov, Alex; Orlando, Thomas M. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A. 2011, 115, issue 23, 5936-5942.
Electron transport and precipitation at Mercury during the MESSENGER flybys: Implications for electron-stimulated desorption.
Schriver, David; Travnicek, Pavel; Ashour-Abdalla, Maha; Richard, Robert L.; Hellinger, Petr; Slavin, James A.; Anderson, Brian J.; Baker, Daniel N.; Benna, Mehdi; Boardsen, Scott A.; Gold, Robert E.; Ho, George C.; Korth, Haje; PLANETARY AND SPACE SCIENCE. 2011, 56, issue 15, 2026-2036.
Theoretical Study of Formamide Decomposition Pathways.
Vinh Son Nguyen; Abbott, Heather L.; Dawley, M. Michele; Orlando, Thomas M.; Leszczynski, Jerzy; Minh Tho Nguyen JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A. 2011, 115, issue 5, 841-851.
Formation of Graphene Features from Direct Laser-Induced Reduction of Graphite Oxide.
Sokolov, Denis A.; Shepperd, Kristin R.; Orlando, Thomas M. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS. 2010, 1, issue 18, 2633-2636.