Georgia Institute of Technology
Ph.D., Iowa State University, 2006
M.S., Iowa State University, 2003
B.S., Iowa State University, 1999
Heat Transfer, Combustion, and Energy Systems: Solar fuels and technologies, radiative heat transfer, and thermodynamic and kinetic analyses.
TMS Best Paper Award in the Energy Division, 2012
Editorial board of Materials, 2010-present
ASME Solar energy division technical chair for Solar Fuels, 2009-2012
ASME member, 2009-present
Track and session chairs for Solar Chemistry Track
ASME 5th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, Washington D.C., USA, August 7-10, 2011
ASME 4th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, Phoenix, AZ, USA, May 17-22, 2010
Member of the Solar Facilities for the European Research Area (SFERA) user selection panel, 2010-2012
ASHRAE student member, 1998-2005
Iowa State University Preparing Future Faculty Associate, 2004
Iowa State Chapter of Pi Tau Sigma, 1998
Dr. Loutzenhiser joined the faculty of the Georgia Institute of Technology as an Assistant Professor in May 2012. Previously, he worked as a Lecturer and Research Associate at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich, Switzerland. During this time, he continued research that he initiated during his postdoctoral fellowship at the Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen PSI, Switzerland. Dr. Loutzenhiser received his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering while working at the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Testing and Research (EMPA), Duebendorf, Switzerland, within the framework of the International Energy Agency Solar Heating and Cooling Programme, Task 34
A. Stamatiou, P.G. Loutzenhiser, and A. Steinfeld. 2012. Syngas production from H2O and CO2 over Zn particles in a packed-bed reactor. AIChE Journal 58, 625-631
P.G. Loutzenhiser and A. Steinfeld. 2011. Solar syngas production from CO2 and H2O in a two-step thermochemical cycle via Zn/ZnO redox reactions: Thermodynamic cycle analysis. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 36, 12141-12147
P.G. Loutzenhiser,A. Stamatiou, W. Villasmil, A. Meier, and A. Steinfeld. 2011. Concentrated solar energy for thermochemically producing liquid fuels from CO2 and H2O. JOM 63, 32-34
P.G. Loutzenhiser, F. Barthel, A. Stamatiou, and A Steinfeld. 2011. CO2 reduction with Zn particles in a packed-bed reactor. AIChE Journal 57, 2529–2534
P.G. Loutzenhiser, A. Meier, A. Steinfeld. 2010. Review of the two-step H2O/CO2 splitting solar thermochemical cycle based on Zn/ZnO redox reactions. Materials 3, 4222-4938
P.G. Loutzenhiser, O. Tuerk, and A. Steinfeld. 2010. Production of Si by vacuum carbothermal reduction of SiO2 using concentrated solar energy. JOM 62, 49-54
A. Stamatiou, P.G. Loutzenhiser, and A. Steinfeld. 2010. Solar syngas production from H2O and CO2 via two-step thermochemical cycles with Zn/ZnO and FeO/Fe3O4 redox reactions: Kinetic analysis. Energy & Fuels 24, 2716–2722
A. Stamatiou, P.G. Loutzenhiser, and A Steinfeld. 2010. Solar syngas production via H2O/CO2-splitting thermochemical cycles with Zn/ZnO and FeO/Fe3O4 redox reactions. Chemistry of Materials 22, 851-859
P.G. Loutzenhiser, M.E. Gálvez, I. Hischier, A. Graf, and A. Steinfeld. 2010. CO2 splitting in an aerosol flow reactor via the two-step Zn/ZnO solar thermochemical cycle. Chemical Engineering Science 65, 1855-1864
P.G. Loutzenhiser, M.E. Gálvez, I. Hischier, A. Stamatiou, A. Frei, and A. Steinfeld. 2009. CO2 splitting via two-step solar thermochemical cycles with Zn/ZnO and FeO/Fe3O4 redox reactions II: Kinetic analysis. Energy & Fuels 23, 2832-2839
M.E. Gálvez, P.G. Loutzenhiser, I. Hischier, and A. Steinfeld. 2008. CO2 splitting via two-step solar thermochemical cycles with Zn/ZnO and FeO/Fe3O4 redox reactions: Thermodynamic analysis. Energy & Fuels 22, 3544-3550